Quote of the day - time for MPs to lose their seats
Comment made last night at the Keswick NHS consultation meeting by a local resident who admitted that he had voted Labour in the past.
The government isn't listening and it's time for some MPs to lose their seats or they won't listen. We keep electing Labour MPs and they do nothing for us. Our hospitals always seem to be under threat.
Both at Whitehaven on Thursday night and at Keswick on Friday night there were serious concerns expressed by local residents about the government's latest NHS proposals and the people who were supposed to be presenting the proposals made little attempt to hide that they share a lot of those concerns.
At the Whitehaven meeting there was of course a lot of concern focussed on the impact of CATS on acute hospital services and particularly West Cumberland Hospital. At the Keswick meeting more of the concern was about Cumbria's Community Hospital and particularly the Keswick Hospital (Mary Hewitson Cottage Hospital.) At both meetings residents thought the travel time assumptions in the document were ridiculous, and at the Keswick meeting platform speakers from the Chairman of the PCT down completely agreed.
More detailed reports of both Keswick and Whitehaven meetings are given on my hospitals campaign blog - see link at right.
There were issues raised at both meetings which involved political leadership. It is therefore a great pity that neither Jamie Reed MP nor Tony Cunningham MP were able to attend either meeting.
The government isn't listening and it's time for some MPs to lose their seats or they won't listen. We keep electing Labour MPs and they do nothing for us. Our hospitals always seem to be under threat.
Both at Whitehaven on Thursday night and at Keswick on Friday night there were serious concerns expressed by local residents about the government's latest NHS proposals and the people who were supposed to be presenting the proposals made little attempt to hide that they share a lot of those concerns.
At the Whitehaven meeting there was of course a lot of concern focussed on the impact of CATS on acute hospital services and particularly West Cumberland Hospital. At the Keswick meeting more of the concern was about Cumbria's Community Hospital and particularly the Keswick Hospital (Mary Hewitson Cottage Hospital.) At both meetings residents thought the travel time assumptions in the document were ridiculous, and at the Keswick meeting platform speakers from the Chairman of the PCT down completely agreed.
More detailed reports of both Keswick and Whitehaven meetings are given on my hospitals campaign blog - see link at right.
There were issues raised at both meetings which involved political leadership. It is therefore a great pity that neither Jamie Reed MP nor Tony Cunningham MP were able to attend either meeting.