Quote of the day 13th August 2014

"Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?"

(Robin Williams)


Jim said…
well, because everyone is rushing to get home after work. That much would not be a problem, but sadly everyone is rushing to get home at the same time, so the poor road system cant handle it.

Its not like over the years that Copeland council have had enough money to duel carrigeway the entire A595 and pave it with gold six times over is it..............erm ok leave that there and try this

its not like cumbria county council have had enough money to duel carrageway the entire A66 and pave it with gold six times over is it..............oh, erm.

well there are far too many cars and none of them are paying their way to create better roads in things like fuel duty and road tax................oh wait, hang on

Its called rush hour because no one wants to not rush by standing and waiting forever for a train or a bus.
Jim said…
"No matter what people tell you , Words and Ideas Can change the world."

Robin Williams
Dead Poets Society
Chris Whiteside said…
Of course, the late Robin Williams was making a joke and he wa presumably thinking of the situation in America.

Unfortunately however your comments relating the issue t Cumbria and Copeland have a great deal of resonoance ..

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