Quote of the day 11th January 2015

As the Unity March takes place in Paris in support of freedom of expression following the Charlie Hebdo murders, the only possible quote for today is the one usually attributed to Voltaire:

 “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”
( Francois-Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire )


Jim said…
it quite amazes me the irony in which so many politicians are tweeting and stating "Je Suis Charlie".

Many are the same, who, not so long ago wanted to ban anyone who opposes climate change from the HoC, and during an election campaign refused to share a stage with the BNP.

Chris Whiteside said…
You certainly have a point about people who refused to share a platform with the BNP or wanted to try to deny one to those who don't share their views. You have probably seen a very clever article in "Spiked" which asked what would have happened if Charlie Hebdo had been published in the UK, and suggests that a large number of people would have tried to ban it.

However, I think a great many of us who have been repeating the "Je Suis Charlie" slogan, including myself, have been very clear that we are doing so not because we agree with everything the magazine published but because we think they had the right to their opinions and it is outrageous that their people were murdered in a disgusting attempt to silence those opinions.
Anonymous said…
Keswick School
Jim said…
Yes, I know you mean about their right to see it, and no, had not seen the article, but have now, thank you for that, it was indeed a good one.

It just struck me as ironic, that as with Voltaire, I dont agree with all you say, but will of course defend your right to say it.

much as both myself and yourself have a historical record of showing. in my case its by defending the right to state an opinion of those i utterly disagree with, like the greens and the BNP.
In yours its for allowing comments which you find utterly disagreeable on this blog.
I have always respected you for this policy and I always will, I once asked you to turn off comment moderation, and you agreed to do so for trial period, on the provision there is a rule on obituary posts. That's not censorship, that's a blog rule, one which is ok by me. that is fine.

Yes its understandable that people are upset by the mindless murder of the people in France, we all are. Though for some to go around stating how much they adore freedom of speech, whilst actively trying to block it is rather ironic.
Chris Whiteside said…

You obviously get the distinction, Jim, between saying that people have the right to express their views in their own publication without being murdered or prosecuted, and saying that people have to accept different opinions in their own publications. As you say, I often let people post views I don't like here and that's my choice.

On the rare occasions I don't allow someone to put something here, as with the comments that the anonymous poster here appears to be alluding to, I am not interfering with his or her freedom of speech unless I try to prevent him or her setting up their own blog or website and putting their opinions on that.

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