Oliver Kamm and Phil Collins on Genocide denial

When World War II ended and the extent of mass murder by the Axis powers became apparent, most of the world exclaimed in horror "Never Again!"

But tragically instances of genocidal mass murder - mostly not on quite the same sale as the Nazi holocaust but still ghastly in scope - have continued in various parts of the world right up to this year, with the masscre of the Rohinga Muslims in Myanmar and the atrocities committed by DA'ESH (the so-called "Islamic State" Caliphate) against Yazidis and Christians being two recent examples.

If you want to find out how much even today some people are trying to exterminate other group of human beings, the website http://www.genocidewatch.com/ is one source of information.

And it seems that whenever there is a genocide, there is someone who is prepared to deny that it is taking place.

The who deny genocide are most often on the extreme right or extreme left, but some of them are good at sucking up to more mainstream politicians and, frankly, some of those mainstream politicians of all the main political parties need to be a bit more savvy in watching out for this.

One example of a person who has been cosying up to a number of politicians in various major parties is Marcus Papadopoulos, described by Guido Fawkes blog as an "Assad-loving genocide denier."

There is a description of Papadopoulos and how he operates here.

He has not been the only genocide denier who has attempted to refute overwhelming evidence of some of the worst crimes of the late 20th and early 21st century/

Oliver Kamm has written a powerful piece on the CAPX website called

"Genocide-denying charlatans have poisoned the left"

about some of those on the left of politics who have fallen into the trap of whitewashing "the crimes of the worst thugs and dictators in the post-war world provided only that they defined themselves against America."

He referss to the duty of those like himself who are on the left of politics to guard against this sort of apologia for vile crimes from some of by fellow left-wingers.

If you are registered to see articles on the Times website, former Labour advisor Phil Collins, now a Times journalist, has a lacerating article on the same subject this week called

"What Corbyn shares with Mugabe and Mladic."

Mr Collins describes the Labour leader and shadow chancellor as "a brutal pair of Frandsters" and says of Jeremy Corbyn’s chief of staff, Seumas Milne that

"Alas, one of the most infantile radicals is in the nerve centre of the Labour Party."

As he points out,  "Milne used to shame The Guardian newspaper and its readers by writing articles of fatuous cynicism, all of which were predicated on the notion that there was no conflict anywhere in the world that was not, essentially, the fault of America. Milne’s writing groaned with the clichés of anti-western stupidity" which defended vicious mass murderers like Slobodan Milosovitch and Ratko Mladic.

With friends like this ...

To be honest I think that all of us should be on our guard against that kind of poison whoever it comes from. There are vile crimes being committed around the world by regimes an movements of various types, right and left, and we should all avoid being taken in by those who leap to the defence of any of them.


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