Top musical parodies number two: The Barron Knights, "A Taste of Aggro"

Second from the top of my list of the best musical parodies is a three part parody which still regularly gets posted to Youtube more than four decades after it came out. 

The first part "There's a dentist in Birmingham" which is a parody of Boney M's "By the Rivers of Babylon

It goes on to parody Father Abraham and the Smurfs, and then the LS Lowry tribute song, "Matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs."

All three of the three pieces of music which this song parodies were in their very different ways popular in very different ways with very different people in the seventies but each had its own charms and the way this parody segues between them is really very clever: forty years later it's my impression that this classic is as well remembered as they are.

Here it is on Top of the Pops in 1978 (it reached number four)   

And here it is again in a post put up forty years later.


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