What a load of rubbish

A Whitehaven man with four children has been fined because he put slightly too much rubbish in his wheelie bin and the lid would not quite close.

We have had a lot of fierce arguments at Copeland Council meetings about the refuse collection service. My colleague the Conservative group leader, Councillor David Moore, has asked on more than one occasion that the council's policies om rubbish collection should not be implemented in a draconian way.

No doubt we will hear more of this case, but at the moment the information available to me is what has been in the newspapers. On the basis of the story as reported, it appears to be unfortunate that David Moore's advice was not followed.


Anonymous said…
I find it amazing that a member of the public now has a criminal record for overfilling a wheelie bin!
I don't know if the councillor who appeared on TV is up for election on May 1st, but if I lived in Copeland I certainly would be voting for an alternetive councillor.
What I CAN do in support of Mr Corkhill is to vote for a councillor of an alternative party in my local ward in the May 1st election.
Chris Whiteside said…
There are no elections for Copeland council in May this year. The whole council comes up for election every four years, most recently last year, rather than in thirds like most of the councils which have elections this year.

I didn't see the TV broadcast but as Copeland has a Labour majority and all the members of the Executive are Labour councillors I assume it will have been a member of that group who appeared.

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