Christmas is coming

It's still around a fortnight to halloween and the shops are already full of Christmas themed products.

It's a free country and they have the right to offer whatever they think they can sell, but it does seem a little premature.


Jim said…
You will know when Xmas is almost hear, the tell tale give away is that the shops will start to sell easter eggs.
Chris Whiteside said…
Too right !
Anonymous said…
What's up now Chris have you got nothing else to twine about.
Shops are trying to make money but in doing so are offending your sensibilities. If you're that bothered you could always ask Super Dave to bring in a law to outlaw such practices, or perhaps just act locally and have Copeland BC introduce a byelaw just for Whitehaven.
Chris Whiteside said…
I pointed out that it's a free country and they have the right to offer whatever they think they can sell.

Nor would I want DC to pass a law to change it. That's the sort of job-destroying nonsense which socialist cretins like the last government get up to.

What too many left-wingers don't get, unfortunately for them and for the country when it is unwise enough to elect them, is that it is actually possible to disagree with something without wanting to pass a law to ban it.

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