My political compass score

I seem to be becoming more socially libertarian with age.

A social media post having given me the impression that the "Political Compass site had refreshed their questions, I took the test again this evening and got the following result

Economic Left/Right: 4.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.69

In other words they put me to the right of centre on economics, but not quite so far to the right that I couldn't legitimately describe myself as "centre right" which is fair enough, but well into the libertarian quadrant, further "south" than I have found myself in the past, on social issues.

It's no surprise to find myself in the lower right quadrant for those who are liberal in the classical sense of the word on both economic and social issues. But in the past I have usually been just below the line dividing the top and bottom halves of a political field on the "political compass" basis and this time I have come out nearly as far  below the centre as I am to the right of it.

Political Compass also provided me with an electronic "certificate" showing where I stand relative to various historical and contemporary figures. Most of them make sense but I did a double take to find Hilary Clinton in about the position in which I would place Margaret Thatcher (as PM.)

I suspect there may be some debate about that one ...


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