February meeting of Cumbria Health Scrutiny committee

I've been away for a few days on business: details of the February meeting of the Cumbria Health Scrutiny were emailed out while I was away and the 237-page agenda was waiting for me when I arrived home.

The meeting will take place at 10.30 am next Tuesday, 23rd February 2020 in Conference Rooms A & B of Cumbria House, Botchergate, Carlisle, CA1 1RD.

It will be open to the public.

Agenda items include
  • Vascular services in North Cumbria, 
  • System plans around building integrated care in both North and South Cumbria, 
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health services in South Cumbria, and 
  • Possible changes to NHS podiatric service provided by the Morecambe Bay NHS Trust
The full agenda and supporting documents can be found here.


Anonymous said…
A 237-page agenda, that tells you all you need to know about the Cumbria Health Scrutiny committee.
Chris Whiteside said…
No it doesn't. All that number tells you is that it is a very long agenda (the meeting is expected to last from 10.30 am until about 3pm)

I have seen agenda packs which were extremely long because they contained a lot of valuable information about one very important and difficult decisions or about a large number of important decisions to be taken, agendas which were very long because they were full of waffle, and agendas which were very long because someone was trying to conceal something - for example, trying to hide the fact that they had failed to report something important in a mass of vaguely useful detail.

The mere number of pages in the agenda doesn't tell you which, if any of these apply: you have to read it to do that.

Anyone who does take the trouble to read through it will quickly realise that the great majority of the pages in the documents for the meeting were produced, not by the committee itself, but by the NHS organisations it scrutinises.

So what you learn from the agenda tells you mainly not about the Health Scrutiny Committee itself but about the NHS in Cumbria.

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