Who do you think Gordon Brown is most like ?

After Gordon Brown allowed himself to be compared with Heathcliffe from "Wuthering Heights" a poll carried out by YOUGOV in the Sunday Times asked the 1800 voters which fictional character they thought the Prime minister was most like.

The options YOUGOV gave and the percentage answers were:

Macbeth (ruthlessly claimed the top job then it went wrong) 33%

Uriah Heep (Dickens's ‘very humble’ but insincere character) 11%

Macavity (T.S.Eliot's cat who always disappears when things get tough) 9%

Oliver Twist (who always asked for more) 6%

Dr Dolittle 3%

Mr Pooter (the city clerk in Diary of a Nobody) 2%

Heathcliff 2%

None of these 19%

Don’t know 15%

I'm with those who voted, if a little tongue in cheek, for Macavity the mystery cat:

"Macavity, Macavity, there's no-one like Macavity,
He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity"

... and each verse ends with:

"But when the crime's discovered, Macavity's not there!"


Quentin Langley said…
He is A.

A, you may recall, is bureaucrat described by C. Northcote Parkinson in Parkinson's Law, who rather than split his work with an equal, B, chooses to appoint two subordinates, C & D, and an ever-expanding group of sub-subordinates below them.

While scheming to take over from his boss (W, according to Parkinson, but TB in reality, though some do claim that W was TBs boss) Brown eliminated all the Bs from the cabinet. Robin Cook, David Blunkett (twice), Peter Mandelson (twice), John Reid and Charles Clarke were all leaked against from within the government. As a result, Brown's cabinet is a group of non-entities who might as well be called C, D, E, F, etc., for all the general public would notice.
Chris Whiteside said…
Excellent analogy, Q: I think Yougov and the Sunday Times should have included that one in the survey !

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