Boundary proposals consultation still ongoing
If you have views on whether Copeland should have an MP who also represents the Windemere area on the other side of the highest mountain in England and the deepest and longest lakes in England, there is still time to participate in the consultation process on the proposals put forward by the Boundary Commission for England.
Written submissions can be made until Monday 5th December. These can be made:
1. By visiting the following website:
and filling in the online form
2. By e-mail: send representations for the North West region to
3. In writing: send representations to Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BQ
Written submissions can be made until Monday 5th December. These can be made:
1. By visiting the following website:
and filling in the online form
2. By e-mail: send representations for the North West region to
3. In writing: send representations to Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BQ