A bit of personal vaccination news

As the vaccination rollout reaches the youngest part of age group I have just moved into, I have had a letter today inviting me to book an appointment to have my first and (12 weeks later) second COVID vaccinations. I am about to do precisely that, and would encourage everyone else who gets such a letter to do the same.

If you have any issues or concerns about whether the vaccine is right for you, please discuss them with your GP or an appropriately qualified medical professional.  


Anonymous said…
Have you booked your appointment in Ulverston?
Chris Whiteside said…

That is what the online booking system tried to offer me, which was a bit strange. I thought it might be a bug in the computer system, so I tried the telephone service.

I rang 119 and managed to speak to a very helpful lady who offered me an appointment in Workington, so I booked an appointment there in a few days' time.

I also booked my second jab appointment in June at the same time.

I you cannot get a sensible appointment offer from the computerised system, ring 119. they are open to 7am to 11pm, seven days a week.

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