Three new medical schools

Today the health secretary announced three new medical schools as part of the NHS Workforce Plan.

Health secretary Steve Barclay laid out plans for the creation of three new medical schools and unveil a new £30 million fund to speed out the roll out of cutting-edge technology across the NHS, improving patient care in the long-term and helping to cut waiting lists. 

  • A strong NHS workforce, backed my new technologies and medical advancements, will ensure our NHS is fit for the future and there for people when they need it. 
  • That is why the Health Secretary today announced the creation of three new NHS medical schools to provide a further 205 undergraduate places from September next year and help us deliver on our long-term ambition to double the number of medical school places to 15,000 by 2031. 
  • The Health Secretary also announced the creation of a new £30 million Health Technology Adoption and Acceleration Fund, helping local NHS organisations to rapidly adopt new technologies to detect illnesses sooner, help people receive treatment in their own home, and increase productivity.
  • Today’s announcements will ensure patients get the care they need when they need it – as we focus on making the long-term decisions for a brighter future.  


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