Quotes of the day 7th March 2025

Douglas Murray on the fantasy approach to Ukraine of some of the country's MAGA critics:

Hat Tip to Niall Ferguson for posting it on X, formerly Twitter

I also agree with this from Richard Branson:

"It needs repeating: in 1994, Ukraine was persuaded to give up its nuclear weapons to Russia in return for the US, the UK, and Russia guaranteeing Ukraine’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity."

The UK government is doing its best to live up to this commitment, but the US is effectively siding with Russia in undermining it. Instead of seeing its sovereignty preserved, Ukraine is being pressured to accept a lopsided peace agreement without real guarantees."

Not wanting Ukraine to  be sold down the river does not mean one wants the war to continue. I am heartily sick and tired of Putin apologists misrepresenting anyone who doesn't want to pressurise Ukraine into accepting Peace at any price.

After Chamberland returned from Munich, Churchill told him that faced with a choice between war and dishonour, he had chosen dishonour but he would get war anyway. A little over a year later Churchill was proved right.

What Ukraine needs is a sustainable and lasting peace, with real security guarantees. Not one which will let Putin rebuild and repair his armies and attack again in a year or too resulting in an even nastier war.


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