Polling Council condemns anti-hunting poll
The British Polling council has investigated a poll conducted by anti-hunting organisations and found that they broke the rules designed to ensure that opinion polls are honestly and transparently conducted. The poll was conducted by IPSOS - MORI for the League Against Cruel Sports and the International Fund for Animal Welfare. This poll was been the subject of an investigation by the British Polling Council which found that MORI broke the ‘Objects and Rules’ of the Council, which exist to ensure that polling is fair and open. The partial results were published on 17 February 2008. British Polling Council rules state that full details of published research must be published on the research company’s website within 48 hours of details being released. Details of the poll were in fact only released on the MORI website on 29 February, 12 days after the publication of the press release. When MORI were contacted by the Countryside Alliance. Only then was it revealed that the poll question...