Lockdown diary, day 67
And yet another baking hot, beautiful day in Whitehaven I know I keep writing this, but I think this has been the warmest and driest spring since we moved to West Cumbria in 2004. It is often said that the rise of social media and particularly the ability to post anonymous insults, has meant a reduction in civility and I think there is a great deal of truth in this. But I had a reminder today that, historically, extreme rudeness is nothing new. Indeed, in the 18th century, political and social discourse was often nearly as rude as it is today. Even the existence of a functioning if illegal duelling code - one with such overwhelming social force that even very powerful men who strongly disapproved of the whole business were forced to take part in duels - did not always prevent people being very rude about one another. In fact the very powerful were often in an impossible position when harsh words were exchanged, in that they would be seen as cowards and lose face if they did