The Standards regime - a Frankenstein monster
It's a pity that The Times have put their site behind a paywall, as I would like to be able to link to an excellent article which Danny Finkelstein wrote this week about the Standards Board regime which is meant to protect ethics in local government (and which the new government is pledged to replace). He gives as an example the fact that Cardiff City Councillor John Dixon, who put a comment on Twitter inferring that Scientology is "stupid," has been referred to the ethics panel of that council following a complaint accusing his tweet of having "impinged on the right to religious freedom." You can find another website which reports on the case here . Ironically, in the subtitle, Monica who runs that blog expresses the opinion "I think it is safe to say that Scientology is stupid." Apparently not if you're a councillor, it isn't! One of the things I used to think this country stood for is that everyone was entitled to their views and everyone wa