A challenge to Brexit supporters from a floating voter
It's an unusual position for me to be a floating voter in any referendum or vote, but I still have not quite decided how to vote on June 23rd. I would like to know exactly what the comparison is in terms of what the people supporting "Leave" propose Britain should do and what the people supporting "Remain" propose Britain should do before I make up my mind. In the meantime I would like to issue a challenge to all the Brexit supporters who have been flooding my Twitter Feed, Facebook Timeline, and Inboxes with comments accusing "Remain" of following a "Project Fear" strategy, pictures of various catastrophes with captions like "What George Osborne says will happen if you vote for Brexit" and please to avoid "scaremongering" from the Remain side. This is the second referendum in Britain within two years, and the second time that the side of the argument who want all or part of the UK to leave the present arrangements ...