November meeting of Cumbria County Council

 The November 2021 meeting of Cumbria County Council will be held at 10 a.m. this coming Thursday (4th November 2021) at Carlisle Racecourse, Durdar Road, Carlisle.

The full agenda and supporting documents can be found on the CCC website at

Agenda for County Council on Thursday, 4th November, 2021, 10.00 am | Cumbria County Council

The main agenda items are:

Minutes of the last meeting and meetings of the county cabinet & committees (Agenda items 5, 7, 14 and 15)

8. Corporate Parenting Board Annual Update Report

9. Youth Justice Plan 2021-22

10. Extemding the term of an independent member of the standards committee (to reflect the extended term of this session of the council before it winds up in 2023)

11. Treasury Management Half Year Strategy Review 2021/2022 

12. Revised Code of Conduct

13. Questions from councillors  to the Leader, member of the executive or committee.chairs

16. Notice of Motions

I have proposed a motion asking the Constitutional Review Group to look at how democratically the council is functioning and whether more can be done to improve transparency and the input from elected councillors. It reads as follows:

Mr C Whiteside to move:

This council requests the Constitution Review Group to review the issue of transparency and maximising appropriate member involvement in decision making and consider and report back to full council on possible amendments to the council constitution, standing orders and scheme of delegation in respect of the following:

  • Whether more can be done to ensure that decisions taken by officers or individual members do not have the practical effect that they revoke, cancel, or frustrate a lawful decision taken after due process by the full council or by a committee of the council acting within its powers, and that if an officer or portfolio holder believes that such a decision needs to be reconsidered it should be referred back to the original committee or, if appropriate, to the full council
  • Whether more can be done to ensure that lawful decisions of the council or its committees are not frustrated by any internal or external actor through delay.
  • Whether more can be done to ensure that all decisions on planning applications. including the view on the merits of a planning application fed into any appeal or call-in process take full account of the views of the members of the DC&R committee as the members with the most appropriate training and knowledge to give an informed view on behalf of the council




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