Public Order bill receives royal assent

Yesterday, the Public Order Bill received Royal Assent, and will become law, giving new powers for the police to protect the public from the misery of protest disruption created by a small minority of activists.

  • Selfish, disruptive protesters are using guerrilla tactics to wreak havoc in people’s everyday lives across the country – and this must be brought to a stop.
  • Peaceful protest which does not interfere with the rights of other people to live their lives is a basic part of democracy. But making it impossible for other people to go about their lawful business, getting to work, hospital or school, is not.
  • That is why the Conservatives have introduced a new criminal offence for interfering with key national infrastructure, made it illegal to ‘lock-on’ to others, objects, or buildings, and expanded Stop and Search to prevent suspected protestors causing serious disruption. We will make deliberately obstructive tactics like slow walking illegal and will target repeatedly highly disruptive protesters with a new court order.


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