Quote of the day - a Bonkers week

A very amusing summary of the last week from "Political betting" on the past week from a chap using the pen-name Marquee Mark

The past bonkers week: a summary for those who missed it -

Most Labour MP’s go bonkers and vote to destroy civil liberty in the UK. (Some of them do say that in mitigation they have gotten themselves a canny deal from Gordon Brown as the price for their vote.)

In Parliament, Diane Abbot gives the speech of her life. She will do no deals as it would destroy civil liberty in the UK.

The Northern Irish Prods do a canny deal to enable the Labour MP’s to destroy civil liberty in the UK. What’s a civil liberty, they ask, bemused.

Gordon Brown goes bonkers and denies on TV that any of his MP’s or the Northern Irish Prods have done any canny deals to enable the Labour MP’s to destroy civil liberty in the UK.

Diane Abbot goes bonkers and confirms on TV that many of Gordon Brown’s MP’s and the Northern Irish Prods have done many canny deals to enable the Labour MP’s to destroy civil liberty in the UK.

David Davis goes bonkers, throws his toys out pram and then throws himself out the pram. He will call a by-election to ask his constituents whether he should get back in the pram.

Nick Clegg goes bonkers and days he will not stop anyone from helping David Davis back into the pram.

The main stream media goes bonkers and claims the Tory Party is Split! It’s a Shocker!” It is however unable to comprehend the idea that David Davis was acting as a hero of the people when he threw himself out of the pram.

David Cameron refuses to go bonkers. The main stream media goes bonkers over this refusal to go bonkers, saying it clearly shows how split the Tories are that Cameron has to keep his emotions so rigidly in check.

The Sun goes bonkers and annoints Kelvin McKenzie as the person who should really be in the pram.

The Good People of the UK go bonkers - and rush to help David Davis into the pram - and to buy him new toys for his pram. Even one Labour MP, we are told.

Kelvin McKenzie goes bonkers and says the pram is actually a shithole. “It’s a shocker!”

The Sun goes bonkers that Kelvin McKenzie is such a plonker - and (after reading thousands of posts on the net and letters to the press and watching Question Time and listening to Any Questions and Any Answers) cottons on to the notion that the Good People of the UK want to carry David Davis high aloft in his pram) quietly drop the whole Kelvin McKenzie thing.

Meanwhile, Ireland goes fabulously bonkers and throws off the chains of Euro-repression.

The main stream media goes bonkers and claims that they must have been just a load of thick paddies who can’t even spell YES.

The Eurocrats go bonkers and stick their fingers in their ears and go “La-la-la we’re not listening, we’re not listening”.

Pb.com posters go bonkers with 2000+ posts in one long day.

Gordon Brown goes bonkers.

Have I missed anything?

by Marquee Mark June 14th, 2008 at 6:19 pm


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