Comments policy on this blog

This blog is meant to be capable of being read by a family audience. I will not accept profanity on it, and neither will I accept libellous comments.

In the first three years this blog was up I only deleted about three comments from visitors to the site. I don't accept that blocking an average of one comment a year can be described as intolerance of disagreement.

I had to delete slightly more than that, though still a single figure number, in the following eighteen monts.

However, in the past two weeks, I have had to delete considerably more unsuitable comments than in the previous four and a half years. I suspect someone is either having a laugh or trying to force me to turn on comment moderation. I therefore want to update and reiterate my policy on comments, which is

1) Any post which contains profanity is likely to be deleted.

2) Any post which I consider potentially libellous will be deleted.

3) Commercial adverts, and anonymous posts which are completely irrelevant to the subject matter of this blog, are liable to be deleted

4) Posts which do not break any of the above rules and which are signed will usually be left up even if I strongly disagree with them, though of course I will normally post a reply

5) However, I reserve the right to delete posts which I consider to make unfair attacks on anyone, and I am particularly likely to delete such posts if the authors do not have the guts to sign their names.


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