Six things which change in 24 hours time, and six things which won't

When Britain leaves the EU in 24 hours from the time of this post, here are six things which will change.

1) Britain will regain the power to negotiate trade deals

2) The "Department for exiting the EU" will close down

3) Britain will have no more MEPs

4) Britain will no longer take part in EU summits

5) New UK passports will go back to being blue and gold. (Burgundy coloured passports previously issued will still be valid until their expiry date.)

6) 3 million commemorative Brexit 50p coins will enter circulation.

Here are six things which will not change yet - although in some cases changes may take place at the conclusion of the transition period at the end of this year, depending on what is negotiated in the trade agreement. At that time Britain will also will stop making our current contributions to the EU budget.

1) Flights, boats and trains will operate as usual.

In terms of passport control, during the transition period, UK nationals will still be allowed to queue in the areas reserved for EU arrivals only.

2) Driving licences and pet passports. Valid UK driving licences and pet passports will continue to be accepted in the 27 states of the EU.

3) EHIC Health cards

The European Health Insurance Cards which give access to state-provided medical treatment in case of illness or accident will continue to operate for UK citizens in any EU country (as well as Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and will continue to be valid during the transition period.

4) The Irish border will remain open with no infrastructure of any kind at the border.

During the transition period freedom of movement will continue to apply, so UK nationals will still be able to live and work in the EU as they currently do. The same applies for EU nationals wanting to live and work in the UK.

5) British pensioners living in the EU will continue to receive their state pension and will also receive the annual increase.

6) Trade between Britain and the 27 EU countries will continue without any extra charges or checks being introduced.


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