
Showing posts from August, 2024

Saturday music spot: Mozart's ‘Queen of the Night’ aria - soprano Rachel Duckett

Possibly the most beautiful aria ever written for the human voice.  I have never quite got over the shock of discovering from the context when I got round to actually going to see the opera "The magic flute" that the singer and the song itself represent pure evil. Still wonderful to listen to. 

Music to start the weekend: "The Windmills of Your Mind" - Noel Harrison


Quote of the day 30th August 2024

  "We strongly oppose the means-testing of Winter Fuel Payment because our initial estimate is that as many as two million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will not receive it." Age UK

Quote of the day 29th August 2024

"Is this Lab govt arrogant, incompetent or both?  You can’t say there’s no money left and rob pensioners of their winter fuel allowance while spraying money at train drivers and unions.  You can’t say your priority is growth but load employers with red tape and cancel road projects." ( Tim Montgomerie this week on X formerly Twitter)

LGA Conservative proposals to back Conservatives in local government

For the next five years, the main people providing an alternative to Labour in power in England will not be MPs from any of the opposition parties. They will be Conservative local government leaders. The most powerful non-Labour politician in England at the moment is Lord Ben Houchen, the Conservative metro-mayor of Tees Valley. The only people other than Labour able to deliver things and show what a party other than Labour can do in office will be the councillors or mayors who lead Conservative or Lib/Dem run local authorities. (Or the leaders of any authority to which the voters elect a mayor or a council working majority of any other party.) Who is elected to hold office in local councils matters, both for what they can do for a local area and because they are important to providing the alternative which is an important part of democratic choice.  The Conservative group in the Local Government Association has asked leadership candidates to back "A contract to back Conservatives

Midweek music spot: Bach's Harpsichord Concerto No.1 in D Minor BWV 1052


Quote of the day 28th August 2024

"Could Labour supporters please stop screaming “But the Tories did it!!!”.  Yes, we know.  And you told us all it was an outrage they did it.  And you also told us that was why we all had to vote for Keir Starmer, because he’d make sure it stopped." (Former Labour and Trade Union staffer Dan Hodges on X, formerly Twitter.)

The other Conservative leadership election

There are two Conservative leadership elections underway at the moment. Six MPs are standing to succeed Rishi Sunak as Party leader. After their fellow Conservative MPs have whittled them down to four, those four candidates will get to speak at Party Conference. The MPs will then vote to whittle those four down to the final two who go to a vote of the whole membership. Voting starts tomorrow (28th August) in another Conservative election - to elect the national officers of the voluntary party who also sit on the party board. At the moment the people who hold these offices are elected by members of the National Conservative Convention - which mostly means constituency chairmen plus some regional and area officers. Some candidates for the party leadership have suggested there is a case of extending the franchise to a wider group, perhaps all party members for some Conservative elections including that of party chairman. I think there is a case for this and will follow the detailed propos

Tom Tugendhat responds to the PM's speech


Quote of the day 27th August 2024

  Under the Consumer Rights Act, anyone sold goods that are 'of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described', can return them within 30 days and receive full reimbursement. Unfortunately, when a government wins an election on false pretences, there's no such protection. Voters must wait five long years for restitution – and even then, there's no guarantee they won't be out of pocket. Millions who voted Labour on July 4 may already be experiencing pangs of buyer's remorse. By tomorrow," (e.g. 27th August) "it will be crystal clear they've been sold a pup. In a doom-laden speech, Sir Keir Starmer is to warn that things in Britain 'will get worse before they get better'. "Blaming the Conservatives for all our social and economic ills, he will herald a new age of austerity." "Labour campaigned on a promise of financial prudence and swore there were no planned tax hikes other than on private schools, non-doms and

Sign the petition if you oppose Labour's plan to deprive 10 million pensioners of the Winter Fuel Payment

  If you oppose Labour's plans to clobber ten million pensioners by taking away their winter fuel payment, sign the petition here: Labour is leaving pensioners out in the cold - sign the petition!

Weapons-grade hypocrisy from Labour on cronyism

Let me be honest - the argument that the people Labour have been trying to bring in as advisors and civil servants do not have anything to offer the country has not been proven. However, the charge that Labour have been cutting corners on due process for some of their appointments, and failing to follow exactly the sort of rule which they screamed blue murder when they thought the previous Conservative government was bending, has been proven. And the case that when you compare what Labour said in opposition about cronyism with how they have behaved in their first fifty days in government, the contrast displays weapons-grade hypocrisy, is cast-iron solid. Robert Colvile wrote this in The Times: He adds on X, formerly Twitter: "A quick recap: as @HenryNewman has been arguing, Labour's appointments are qualitatively different from most of those under the Tories. Labour people appointed without competition not to advisory roles but newly created, senior positions deep within the

Sven-Goran Eriksson RIP

The former England men's football team manager Sven-Goran Eriksson, who led England’s team to the quarter-final stages of two World Cups and a European Championship, having enjoyed a stellar club career that included 18 trophies, has died of cancer at the age of 76. He was a good man, and a gentleman, and did a better job for England than the press and some of the fans often gave him credit for. He met his final illness with great bravery and a positive spirit. Rest in Peace.

Bank holiday Monday music spot: Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 5


You can't trust Labour


Quote of the day 26th August 2024


Sunday music spot: "If ye love me" by Thomas Tallis, performed by The King's Singers


Quote of the day 25th August 2025

Labour is breaking so many pre-election pledges and manifesto promises that they must have made the strategic political decision to do all the unpopular stuff now and do the popular giveaways just before a general election and hope voters have amnesia. (Adam from the "Guido Fawkes" website on X/Twitter  here .)

MoD Defence intelligence update 24th August 2024


Quotes of the day 24th August 2024

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that the reason universities lobbied the Government to quash the Freedom of Speech Act is because they’re worried it will jeopardise their cosy relationship with various authoritarian regimes, particularly the People’s Republic of China. Bridget Phillipson should have told them to put principle before profit, not done their bidding.” ( Toby Young , directoir of the Free Speech Union) “There was clearly a fear that this Act would undermine China-related income streams for universities. “This was not mentioned when the announcements were made about the scheme being paused. It’s clear that there was a decision not to communicate these concerns about China-related income. It is not unreasonable to infer this has been covered up.” ( Sam Dunning , director of the UK China Transparency think-tank)

To mark Ukrainian Independence Day


Saturday music spot: Gioachino Rossini, overture from "The Barber of Seville"


This week's council by-election results

Thursday night's Abbots Langley and Bedmond (Three Rivers) council by-election result: CON: 40.5% (+20.5) LDEM: 34.2% (-24.4) GRN: 15.9% (+8.4) LAB: 9.4% (-4.5) Valid votes cast: 1,463 Cramlington Eastfield (Northumberland) council by-election result: CON: 43.5% (-15.6) LAB: 31.5% (+1.4) REF: 15.0% (+15.0) IND: 5.7% (-5.1) LDEM: 2.0% (+2.0) GRN: 1.9% (+1.9) Valid votes cast: 1,179 Conservative HOLD.

What Labour promised versus what they did

Labour promise during the election:         We'll cut your energy bills. Labour in government:         Energy bills up 10% - on top of taking Winter Fuel Payments away from ten million pensioners.

Music to start the weekend: J.S.Bach's Triple concerto in A minor


Quote of the day 23rd August 2024

“Now it transpires Starmer himself can’t even define the working class. He thinks it has something to do with people who work. But King Charles works, you idiot." ( Jeremy Clarkson, article in The Sun this week.) 

Quote of the day 22nd August 2024


Quote of the day 21st August 2024

“For a Remainer like myself, it’s painful to admit — but when it comes to AI regulations, it’s far better we chose to 'take back control' ”. "Sadly, in the face of overwhelming evidence that their top-down approach" (to digital and AI regulation) has failed, EU leaders haven’t tried a different tack, such as market-oriented reforms to reduce barriers for digital businesses. Instead in 2022, Brussels introduced the draconian Digital Market Act, which has clobbered tech companies with fines worth tens of billions of euros. But the pièce de résistance is the EU’s AI Act, hastily drafted and passed this year in response to the public debate sparked by the launch of ChatGPT. Breathlessly heralded by European leaders as “the world’s first AI legislation”, it’s genuinely hard to overstate how dreadful for innovation and growth these rules will be. For starters, the legislation thickheadedly clamps down on AI models in general (which can be used in all kinds of ways), rather

Cumbria Constabulary campaign: nobody should ever have to suffer domestic abuse.

Cumbria Constabulary has written to all Town and Parish councils in the county asking us to publicise the availability of Victim support, and to share a poster encouraging anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence to get help. There is particular concern about Violence against women and girls but of course anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, and violence and abuse are unacceptable whoever they are directed against, Nobody should ever have to suffer domestic abuse.  Here is the poster:   

Quote of the day 20th August 2024


MoD Defence intelligence update 19th August 2024


Quote of the day 19th August 2024

"The world is dividing up into Hawks and Ostriches. The Autumn budget will show which we are." (Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt , former defence secretary, on the need to build up defence spending, in the Independent at the weekend.)

Quote of the day 18th August 2024

"Don't shoot, we're conscripts!" ( Surrendering Russian troops as they gave themselves up to the Ukrainian army, according to an account published in today's Sunday Times. There are two equal and opposite mistakes the West could make about Putin's Russia. The first would be to forget that this lawless rogue state is extremely dangerous. The second would be to imagine that Russia is invincible. It is not, particularly under a leader as utterly incompetent as Vladimir Putin has now proved himself to be. At last, incompetent at everything except murdering any potential political opponents and any other innocent people who get in his way.) 

Quote of the day 17th August 2024

"No great party can survive except on the basis of firm beliefs about what it wants to do. It is not enough to have reluctant support. We want people’s enthusiasm as well".   Margaret Thatcher in 1968. Hat tip to Iain Dale for the quote. He added, "56 years on, it's something for all Tory leadership candidates to mull over."

Leadership candidate visits Cumbria

Very pleased to see that one of the six candidates for the Conservative party leadership made it to Cumbria to meet local party members yesterday. I'm not making any endorsements at this stage but I will give credit where it is due to any candidate and Tom Tugendhat was a breath of fresh air when he came to meet members from around Cumbria in Penrith yesterday afternoon. There was a good attendance from all around the county with members present from Carlisle, West Cumbria, Penrith, and Westmorland.  

MoD Defence intelligence update 16th August 2024

  The MoD also posted that, "For the past three months Russian military casualties have been averaging more than 1,000 killed or wounded soldiers a day.  Poorly trained Russian soldiers are being used as cannon fodder in an attempt to overwhelm strong Ukrainian defences." #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini

Quote of the day 16th August 2024

"I don’t normally agree with the Telegraph. But Labour policy on taxing private education is bonkers. It will raise little money (about £1.5bn) for maximum disruption to the education system. It is vindictive class war politics." ( Andrew Sentance  on X, formerly Twitter He was replying to Kelvin MacKensie who had posted this: "The Telegraph reports that privately educated pupils in England were almost three times more likely to pass at  A* and A grade in their A-levels this year than their peers in state comprehensives.  So why does Labour want to blow up the system with a  20% VAT increase on fees and force an estimated 1,000 pupils into a system which is bulging at the seams and which gets much worse results. It’s class war or nothing."

Latest ONS figures for UK growth in GDP

According to figures released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Britain's GDP is estimated to have grown 0.6% in Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2024, following growth of 0.7% in Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar). Far from having had a uniquely bad economic inheritance as they dishonestly claim, the new Labour government has inherited an economy in which one of their election promises has already been delivered by the Conservatives - the fastest growth in the G7. And a far better inheritance than the previous Labour government left the Coalition in 2010: remember this?

MoD Defence intelligence update 15th August 2024


Quote of the day 15th August 2024

"One thing is already clear. The Starmer government is not at all libertarian." ( Andrew Rawnsley , in an article which you can read in full at QOSHE - Call off the search to discover Starmerism. It is already beginning to reveal itself - Andrew Rawnsley )

Quote of the day 14th August 2024

Hat tip to Simon Myerson KC for pointing out this rare example of a judge saying exactly what he really thinks about the two criminal thugs he was sentencing ...

MoD Defence intelligence update 13 August 2024


Joint statement from the US, UK, French, German and Italian governments


Quote of the day 9th August 2024


Quote of the day 8th August 2024

“Calm Down” ( Sir Michael Caine 's two word response to the riots,  cautioning against giving a few far-right nutters the satisfaction of allowing them to rattle us. And in case someone wilfully misunderstands, the fact that I agree with and have quoted Sir Michael on this does not mean that I in any way challenge the view that there is no excuse for riot and disorder, whoever does it, whether they are on the right or left, whatever religion they follow, if any, and regardless of the colour of their skin. Anyone who riots should be brought before a court and, if convicted, severely punished.)

Think very carefully before going to Russia or Iran

The UA and German governments faced an agonising decision on whether to agree the prisoner exchange which released sixteen innocent US and German citizens and Russian dissidents, one of whom also has British nationality in exchange for a Russian state assassin and seven other Russian spies or criminals. Let's be quite clear about what has happened here. The present government of the Russian Federation - like the so-called "Islamic Republic of Iran" is a gangster regime. Both of these regimes lock up people who are either entirely innocent, or would be innocent under any civilised code of laws, in order to crush dissent or as an act of hostage diplomacy to obtain leverage against other countries by imprisoning their citizens on trumped-up charges. I have the gravest reservations about this decision by the US and German governments but President Biden and Chancellor Scholtz are not the bad guys here, they were faced with an impossible choice - whether to leave their citizen

Bank of England cuts interest rates


Yorkshire day music spot: "On Ilkley Moor Baht' at" sung by Lesley Garrett


Quote of the day 1st August 2024

 A joint statement from all the political parties in Southport.