LGA Conservative proposals to back Conservatives in local government

For the next five years, the main people providing an alternative to Labour in power in England will not be MPs from any of the opposition parties.

They will be Conservative local government leaders.

The most powerful non-Labour politician in England at the moment is Lord Ben Houchen, the Conservative metro-mayor of Tees Valley.

The only people other than Labour able to deliver things and show what a party other than Labour can do in office will be the councillors or mayors who lead Conservative or Lib/Dem run local authorities. (Or the leaders of any authority to which the voters elect a mayor or a council working majority of any other party.)

Who is elected to hold office in local councils matters, both for what they can do for a local area and because they are important to providing the alternative which is an important part of democratic choice. 

The Conservative group in the Local Government Association has asked leadership candidates to back "A contract to back Conservatives in local government."

You can find it at A Contract to Back Conservatives in Local Government

I will be asking any leadership candidate, or their team, who asks for my support in the leadership election whether they back this contract. They will be more likely to win my support if they give a positive response.


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