Quote of the day 15th May 2014

"I’m not voting Labour in these elections. Not after last night.

"I had a look at the broadcast again.

"I spent a significant part of my life knocking lumps out of the Lib Dems and the Tories. And I was actually offended for them.

"It wasn’t the infantile depiction of Clegg that got me. It was that moment when the Tory Cabinet minister says about the disabled “they can’t fight back”. How such a patronising and offensive line made it into a Labour Party broadcast is beyond my understanding. And the fact it was directed at David Cameron, a man who nursed a severely disabled child through the six short years of his life, was sickening, frankly.

"When Miliband gets the kitchen sink thrown at him in the forthcoming election he’d better keep his mouth shut and take it."

(Dan Hodges, a former Labour party and trade union official who has since left the party but had been considering voting Labour in this year's European elections until last week, explaining in the Telegraph here why Labour's PPB cost them his vote. In another blog post he also called the same broadcast "Proof that Labour has gone insane.")


Jim said…
Its not the fact that red ed says such things as that, which really rule him out.

Its simply the fact that not a single policy of the labour party actually adds up, that is of course if you can work out what the labour policy is. Usually these days its comments about what the current government is doing wrong, but never an idea of what to do instead.

Chris Whiteside said…
Entirely agree. Of course, they usually don't say anything about what they would actually do and concerntrate on slagging off their opponents.
Jim said…
Highlights from this parliament include.

Cutting tax is a bad idea (50p tax rate) raising tax is a bad idea (20% vat) leaving tax at the same level it is now is a bad idea (council tax real terms freeze)

so raising tax, lowering tax and leaving tax the same are all bad ideas - I wonder what is a good idea? I know lets abolish tax altogether (no doubt labour will argue thats a bad idea)
Chris Whiteside said…
Jim, if I were to introduce an award for comment of the year I think that one would win it.

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