Rod Liddle on the supporters who put the rest of the country off Labour

A post by Rod Liddle on the sort of supporter Labour does not need ...

Rod Liddle is of course a former Labour voter although he was expressing doubts before the 2015 election whether to vote for them this time.

His comments about the cultural mindset Labour have to break away from in order to win are couched in amusing language but there is a lot of truth in them. many a true word is spoken in jest.

A health warning for Conservatives, however, don't just laugh at Labour's woes. Remember - after their 1992 debacle Labour did manage to come back, change their appeal, and win power by inflicting on the Conservatives the worst defeat we have ever had. Never assume that Labour cannot come back.

We need to listen more to voters too, and we also need to work harder at making sure people realise we don't despise them.


Jim said…
It just quite simply comes down to no prior planning.

Why do you think the Lib Dems were crucified?

My take, as I think I said a few years ago, is that they never should have went for an AV referendum, instead should have focused on tuition fees.

There we go, Eds thinking that Tony/Gordon were not left enough, cost him as dearly too.

Oh, dear, all these mistakes could have been prevented too. all they had to do was read the comments on this blog.

Still, life goes on I guess.

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