Inkerman Terrace closure - ONE DAY TO GO
Tomorrow, Monday 7th September, the A5094 in Whitehaven will be closed for repairs from the junction of Inkerman Terrace with the Loop Road (A595) down to the garage at the junction with Coach Road.
Park Drive at the bottom of Midgey will also be closed to through traffic.
The one-way restriction on the Northern part of Foxhouses Road between the A5094 and Ehen Drive junctions will be lifted while the repairs are in process.
The repairs to the road are expected to take about five weeks. This will not be an easy period. Leave plenty of time and drive carefully while coming into Whitehaven by car from tomorrow.
Park Drive at the bottom of Midgey will also be closed to through traffic.
The one-way restriction on the Northern part of Foxhouses Road between the A5094 and Ehen Drive junctions will be lifted while the repairs are in process.
The repairs to the road are expected to take about five weeks. This will not be an easy period. Leave plenty of time and drive carefully while coming into Whitehaven by car from tomorrow.
As for the proposed diversion routes that have been put in place where they expect everyone to go across the Loop Road and then via New Road into town won't happen. There will be a large number of cars that will access town via Mirehouse and exiting onto Coach Road via Esk and Calder Avenue. The amount of young children that play around this area is a concern as there is a major risk that someone will be knocked down. On top of this they have also placed no parking cones along the length of Calder avenue. Where do they expect residents of this road to park? I can see there being a few parking fines handed out as residents will just ignore these restrictions. They can not expect people to park miles from there own homes, there are a number of elderly residents living along this road.
I would like to know, if whoever sorts these plans out has actually considered the local residents and looked at all the safety implications that comes with this, because it seems to me that they haven't.