Quote of the Day

“Books and minds only work when they're open.”
(James Dewar)


Jim said…
Not always.

My loft hatch is closed with a wing nut. The nut is just 1/2" above my reeach. I have a 4 inch thick dictionary which I use to stand on just whilst I undo the wing nut and lower the hatch (a coat hanger is then used to lower the ladder)

But as you can see for this purpose the book will work best when its closed :o)

- there is always one isn't there, and yeah ok, it is usually me.
Chris Whiteside said…
Ah, but that's because, to use an old saying in a slightly different context, you're using the dictionary as the proverbial drunk uses a lamp-post: for support rather than illumination!
Chris Whiteside said…
To coin a familiar phrase in a slightly different context, that's because you are using the dictionary the way the proverbial drunk uses a lamp post - for support rather than illumination!
Jim said…
Not really a bad thing really, I mean, lamp posts are Ok and all, but we do not need so many, and we certainly do not need them on motorways. Last time I checked my car had headlights.

As for your comment about "misuse" think you will find that which I do is obtaining the best value for money from an item which has been purchased. Granted it is not its intended purpose, but it works, and it works well, when its alternative purpose is achieved, it goes back to the book shelf to perform its primary purpose.

That is quite an abstract concept to a governments at times we call it "value for money" or "not reinventing the wheel"
Chris Whiteside said…
Don't think I described it as "misuse" - as you say, you were employing an object for something other than it's primary purpose rather than misusing it.
Jim said…
OK, perhaps my bad there, though you can see from the smiley face I did provide on the original comment that I was not really serious about it.

It is one of the things I notice with text/e-mails/blog comments: you can't give them any sort of context.

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