Time for a renaissance for Scottish Conservatives.

A very interesting piece in today's Scotsman here from John McTernan who despite not being one, argues that it is time for the Scottish Conservatives themselves to stop apologising for Margaret Thatcher and move on, including taking credit for Tory achievements in Scotland.

As he points out, without Margaret Thatcher, half of Scots would still live in council housing. And he adds that

"The grovelling stops now. Go back to the long Scottish tradition of conservatism, name it and reclaim it.
"In 2001 Jean-Francois Richard, then vice-president of the World Bank, met me when I was head of policy for the Scottish Government. He observed that the economies that would prosper in the 21st century were those with strengths in banking, biosciences, energy, education and the environment. Scotland was, and is, a world beater in those fields (though falling behind badly in education).
"It is a leader not by chance but by choice. The choices of a UK government that shaped and intervened and invested. Tom Johnston and Willie Ross rightly get their share of the praise. But who can claim the credit for Silicon Glen and a strong micro-electronics industry? Why do Tories not talk about James Stuart and John McLay? They were secretaries of state for Scotland during the long boom years – the height of Butskellism. A construction boom. A country rebuilt."

His article concludes

"There is a Tory story of Scotland. It’s not mine, but it is Scotland’s. In our past is our future."


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