Kelvin MacKenzie does a U-Turn

If you were to ask me what I would least expect former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie to write in the Guardian, or anywhere else, "Vote Ed Miliband" would win and what he actually has written  here would come a close second.

However, what he has written is worth reading.

I do not believe uncontrolled immigration is sustainable, or that everyone who raises concerns on the subject is a racist: I know that many members of ethnic minorities strongly support immigration control because they know only too well who will be the first to suffer if mishandling this issue leads to a loss of social cohesion.

I also think some of the things the coalition has done to close loopholes - such as shut down hundreds of bogus colleges which were basically Visa factories - were long overdue.

Nevertheless there are two sides to the immigration debate and we are in danger of going from not listening to one side, in the manner exemplified at the last election when Gordon Brown called Mrs Duffy a bigot for raising the issue, to not listening to the other side.

Kelvin's article is a welcome antidote to that.


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