Quote of the day 29th August 2019

"The response from faux-left Remainers has perhaps been the most infuriating – and certainly the most delusional. Corbynistas are protesting in Westminster tonight. Some have even called for a general strike, to the end of crushing the votes of millions of workers.

Today activists invoked the Peterloo massacre, and the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, as they called people out on to the streets. Clearly, they don’t realise that in this particular battle for democracy they’re on the side of the other guys. The ones with sabres and tear gas."

(Tom Slater, Deputy Editor of Spiked Online, from an article "Who will defend democracy" in which he argues that it was a mistake to prorogue parliament for the conference season but that the anti-Brexit critics of the decision "do not have right on their side. In fact they are far, far worse." )


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