The Conservative party chairman writes ...

Parliament isn’t working. Instead of getting on with the country’s priorities, MPs have spent all their time arguing about Brexit.

We need to break the deadlock that is preventing Parliament from getting Brexit done, so that we can move on.

With this election, we have a chance to ensure the country has a functioning government. A government that works for the people, and delivers on voters’ priorities.

On the 12th of December, you’ll cast your vote. So the next five years are down to you.

We can end the uncertainty, end the delays – and put Britain back on the road to a brighter future.

Getting Brexit done with our new deal. £33.9 billion extra for the NHS. 20,000 extra police officers. More money for every single school in the country. And a growing economy.

But here’s the risk. Labour and the Lib Dems can’t win a majority. So the more votes they get, the more likely another hung parliament is.

The other parties have ruled out a coalition with us. So in a hung parliament, Jeremy Corbyn would be in charge. For Five. Long. Years.

Five years of tax rises, out-of-control spending, more referendums, and politicians arguing about Brexit. The same politicians who spent the last three years getting nothing done.

So let’s not go back to square one. The road to a brighter future starts today. And it starts with you.

Tell your friends. Forward this email. Together, we can get Brexit done – and get on with the country’s priorities.
Yours sincerely,
James Cleverly
Rt Hon James Cleverly MP
Chairman of the Conservative Party


Gary Bullivant said…
Mr Cleverly points me to the distinct possibility that a Lab/Lib coalition with DUP and SNP confidence and supply support will consign the Conservative Party to the wilderness of opposition for the next five years. In Copeland, Dr Walker and Mrs Harrison could well split the leave vote between them and Mr Lywood will no doubt draw the Remain vote, given the surprisingly distant choice of Lib Dem candidate. Mr Lywood has previously demonstrated that he is temperamentally well suited to switching his allegience to an alternative leader, such as Sir Keir Starmer (other candidates are available), if that becomes expedient.
Chris Whiteside said…
I would not rule out any possible outcome in the present exceptionally confused situation.

Is the situation you have described possible? Absolutely, as James Cleverly himself points out.

I think the one certainty about another hung parliament is that whoever ended up running the country would find it extremely difficult to do so.

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