Another modest proposal

For the second day in a row I have just left a huge pile of recycling material out to be collected by Copeland Council tomorrow morning.

It is astonishing how much recyclable material - newspapers, glass bottles, plastic bottles, cardboard, etc - can build up in a household of four people over a fortnight.

It is important for the enviroment to encourage households to recycle, but it can be quite a bit of work and I think we need some imagination to try to get dwelling designers to take into account the needs of the 21st century - including places to put material for recycling - when planning and building new homes.
I think it might usefully be encouraged as a statement of good practice for inclusion in council Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) that those submitting planning applications for new housing should be encouraged to include a suitable outside store in which materials to be recycled can be placed between collections.


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