Britain goes 215 hours without electricity from coal

As of yesterday afternoon Britain had gone a record 215 hours – and counting - without coal-powered energy. The Conservative government's reforms and investment are ensuring sure we leave our planet in a better state for the next generation. 

Key facts
  • Britain has exceeded the eight-day record set earlier this month for the number of successive hours gone without using coal to generate power. 
  • This year we’ve already reached the major milestone of 1,000 hours without using coal to power our homes and industry. 
  • Last year renewables generated a record amount of electricity, generating 37.1 per cent of the UK’s electricity in 2018 Q4, up from 6.1 per cent in 2010. 

Why this matters

We’re closing in on phasing out coal entirely from our power system by 2025 as our renewable sector goes from strength to strength.


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