So what causes a "black hole" in the budget?

 Things that don’t seen to be part of creating a ‘£22bn black hole’ according to Labour:

    💷 £11.6bn for international climate finance 

    💷 £9.4bn for above-inflation public sector pay rises

    💷 £8bn for GB Energy to duplicate the £22bn UK Infrastructure Bank

    💷 £9bn in lost tax receipts from shutting down North Sea oil and gas

Things that do:

    ♨️ £1.5bn Winter Fuel Payment for ten million pensioners.


Jim said…
So, hope you don't mind I copied this post and put it on Josh Macalister's Facebook page, in the comments where he was blaming the last government for the "black hole" . Any way it seems it hit a nerve, I'm now blocked from said page. Think that says a lot really :)
Chris Whiteside said…
I don't mind in the least, Jim.

I am disappointed, but not the tiniest bit surprised, that Josh McAlister blocked you.

This is a man whose office, when a Conservative councillor emailed him asking a question - how he was going to vote on the Winter Fuel Payment - responded not with an answer to the question, or even a personal reply, but by sending him a copy of an insulting email Josh McAlister had sent to Mark Jenkinson.

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