Mental Health Awareness Week

This is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the Health and Work and Pension Secretaries are calling on employers to do more to ensure their staff’s mental health and wellbeing is taken seriously, as part our commitment to putting physical and mental health on an equal footing.


Key facts:


  • Britain has taken great strides as a society over the last few years in the way we treat mental health, with the government committing an extra £2.3 billion for mental health in the coming years.


  • Yet sadly many people at work are still suffering in silence, for fear of judgement or rebuke from their boss if they admit they are struggling. This has got to change.


  • Every business in this country has a duty to ensure employees feel comfortable opening up about their mental health, knowing they’ll be treated properly.


Why this matters: No one should be held back from flourishing in the workplace and we’re determined to make sure every person achieves their full potential.


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