My Contact Details

I was concerned to see a comment left two days ago on one of my earlier posts from someone who said they were waiting for me to contact them about a planning issue.

I have been double checking my email messages, Voicemail, and then searching the house for any notes of telephone messages or "snail mail" letters which might have gone missing.

I wish to respond promptly to any resident of the Copeland constituency who wants to contact me about a local or personal issue. If anyone reading this has tried to contact me and not heard back, please try again.

The best email address to use for me is

My telephone number is available on Directory Inquiries, and my address and phone number are available at the Copeland Council website.

Unfortunately I recieve literally hundreds of messages every week from fraudsters, hackers sending messages which might disrupt or steal personal data from my computer, pornographers, and people who are trying to sell me worthless or unwanted products such as bogus degrees, bogus lottery win notifications, body modifications, medicines, or jobs on the other side of the Atlantic. Consequently I am forced to use SPAM filter software to separate the genuine messages from the tidal wave of rubbish. Occasionally it catches genuine messages.


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