Whitehaven Police Area Consultative Forum

I attended the above meeting this evening.

Two main things came out of the discussion.

1) There was a vast amount of debate and local concern about traffic and parking issues in Whitehaven. I have added a number of comments about parking enforcement to those I took away from the Bransty and Harbour Neighbourgood Forum at the beginning of the month to feed to the councillors who are conducting a review of enforecement.

There was also some concern about whether the current pattern of double and single yellow lines make sense.

2) The record of Cumbria Constabulary at the moment is one of the best in the country, especially in relation to the clear up rate for crimes. Violent crime figures are down 13% in the West Cumbria police area: Burglary and Anti-Social behaviour figures are also down. ONly thefts of ehicles is rising.

I'd be interested in any feedback from readers of this blog as to whether this matches your experience. Even if the overall figures are right this will be scant comfort to those who have been victims ofcrime.

However, the figures were described by the chairman of the meeting as indicating that Cumrbia Constabulary is "the most efficient police force in the country."

Which raises an interesting question: a couple of years the government was trying to force Cumbria Constabulary to merge with Lancashire police because they thought it was too small to be efficient. (And wasted a fortune of taxpayers' money in the attempt.) Now their own figures suggest that far from being too small to be efficient, it is the most effective and successful force in the country. Just goes to show that trying to lay down what will work in Cumbria based on "one size fits all" policies imposed from Whitehall does not work.


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