Quote of the day 16th September 201

"I think it's terrible if a person who wants to work cannot find a job. You have no self-respect, you haven't got the respect of your family, if somehow you cannot earn yourself a living and them a living too."

(Margaret Thatcher)


Jim said…
I still don't accept that someone who wants to find a job cant.

I have always managed it, granted not always doing something I really wanted to do, and not always paying me as much as i would have liked. But I have always found one.

When i left the RAF i worked as an office temp for a while, Yeah, I was doing the photocopying and stuff in of all places "the environment agency". I am generally of the opinion if someone does want to work, there is work out there for them.
Chris Whiteside said…
If you are really determined, I agree that you can usually find a job eventually. But it is not always easy or quick.

By an extreme irony, you've posted this on the morning that someone I know well, who has been looking for a job for several years, finally starts work.

Which does not disprove your point, it just indicates that, as I say, it can be a struggle, requiring motivation and patience. And the time while you are looking can be difficult.
Jim said…
I always found its easier to find work, when you have work.

I guess it just takes off the pressure a bit, and the 2 weeks before getting a reply is not so long when you are working. That is exactly why I went to the Temping agencies, it got me something to tide me over, whilst i was looking for something else.
Jim said…
By the way, wish your friend well from me, and I hope the new job goes well for them.
Jim said…
The real irony by the way.

I posted that this morning, on a day I can't be bothered going to work :) n - Im actually on leave this week :o)

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