Quote of the Day 20th November 2014

" ... an opinion poll in Scotland showed that more people believe in the Loch Ness Monster than believe in his" (Ed Miliband's) "leadership: the only problem for the Labour party is he does actually exist."

(David Cameron at PMQs yesterday)


Jim said…
Oh come on Chris, at least try
Jim said…
You see what i did there? - if you look at my picture for more than 1/20th of a second even the most gullible of people can see that I'm presenting something that is completely false, that is exactly like a Labour party policy.
Chris Whiteside said…
Thanks for giving me a good laugh with the picture of Nessie in Wastwater.

The problem with pre-preparing the quote of the day on the previous evening, as I often do if I know I will be busy the following day, is that it is not always easy to check if a link is working properly. The BBC "Embed" text somehow referred my blog back to itself.
Jim said…
My error, I thought the link back to the blog was deliberate. You see if you scrolled down a little in the link, there was a box just underneath the blog title picture, which read "The item you are looking for on this blog does not exist"
Jim said…
p.s. yeah, thats where Nessie sometimes goes on holiday
Chris Whiteside said…
Ah. Some more accidental humour there, then.
Chris Whiteside said…
Have now successfully embedded via Youtube the clip which I was originally trying to display.

It works properly using the Youtube embed code, while when I tried to use the BBC code to display this, my blog was linked back to itself.

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