Quote of the day 6th November 2014

“I don't want everyone to like me;  I should think less of myself if some people did.”
Henry James )


Jim said…
It matters not if a person is liked or not, tha fact is if what they are saying is true and good than it should be adopted.

The UK never has been a democracy as i Understnd it DEMOS - people and KRATOS - power, there is no democracy in changing a king for an elected dictatorship. One that perversely can call in the rules of recall so ministers only have the final say, and so much so even the advocates for voting it through use the "fact it wont be used very often" as the main enabler.

Rubbish i say, that is why we need THIS
Chris Whiteside said…
As you know, I have a great deal of sympathy for the points in the Harrogate agenda.

It is possible to be respected without being liked. Trying too hard to be liked does not always make one more likely to do the right thing or to deserve respect, whether or not you get it.

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