Lockdown diary, day 32

A beautiful sunny day here in Whitehaven. Went out for some essential shopping and the streets were almost deserted.

Which actually shows that people are doing the right thing but felt very odd.

Made sure I had cash when visiting one shop establishment which if memory serves did not take cards not all that long ago. Made sure I had cash with me. If I had been asked to pay cash it would have been the first time I bought anything with notes and coin for 32 days.

That was a somewhat stunning thought. Although I use my credit or debit card for the majority of purchases now, and other members of my family are used to using their phones to pay for things (and do so rather more now than in the pre-COVID-19 world) this will almost certainly have been the first time I have never paid for a single thing with notes and coin over a period of a full month since I was about eleven years old.

I have always thought it likely that I would live to see a cashless society, but I did not expect it to
happen in the way that it has.

Nevertheless  most people prefer to pay and be paid using contactless means at the moment - and who can blame them? And sure enough I paid today with my contactless credit card.

The lady members of my family were concerned this evening that a missing rabbit had failed to return to the hutch at bed-time.  I found the bad bunny safe and well and sheltering under a hydrangea bush.

Keep Well.

Stay home: protect the NHS; save lives.


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