Down a passenger plane and go free, insult Putin and go to jail

In 2022, Igor Girkin was found guilty in absentia in by a court in The Hague of shooting down a Malaysian Airlines passenger flight and thereby murdering 298 innocent men, women and children. They came from all over the world, but the largest proportion of victims were Dutch, which is why the authorities there held a trial. 

He was sentenced to life imprisonment, but Russia has no extradition treaty with the Netherlands and there was no way to bring him to Holland to face justice. Girkin remained a free man, under the protection of the Russian state.

However, last year Girkin, who thinks that Vladimir Putin's problem is that he is a soggy liberal who ahs been too soft on Ukraine, published a post in which he described Putin as "a non-entity" and "a cowardly waste of space".

And for that he was arrested and has this week been handed a sentence of four years in a penal colony.

Igor Girkin shot down a passenger jet, then insulted Putin. Which one put him in jail? - BBC News

So there you have the state of justice under the Putin regime. 

  • Shoot down a plane and murder nearly three hundred people, and you will go free.
  • Insult Putin and you'll go to jail. 


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