Tom Broughton and Roland Woodward RIP
Millom has lost two distinguished public servants, one on each side of the political divide, in a couple of weeks.
Roland Woodward, a former Labour County Councillor for Millom, died suddenly last month: and earlier this week Tom Broughton, who was Mayor of Copeland in 1976-77 and Leader of the Conservative Group on Copeland Borough Council for many years also died.
Both men in their very different ways worked very hard for Millom and for Copeland, and were respected accross the political divide. Both will be missed.
Rest in Peace.
Roland Woodward, a former Labour County Councillor for Millom, died suddenly last month: and earlier this week Tom Broughton, who was Mayor of Copeland in 1976-77 and Leader of the Conservative Group on Copeland Borough Council for many years also died.
Both men in their very different ways worked very hard for Millom and for Copeland, and were respected accross the political divide. Both will be missed.
Rest in Peace.