Quote of the day 16th February 2015

“I’ve reached the stage that once the thought enters my mind that things are not what they were, I count to ten, because that’s an inevitable reaction that hits everybody at my age."

(Kenneth Clarke MP)


Jim said…
I have reached the age (39) where I can see things are not what they used to be, and 9 times out of 10 I am pretty glad about that too.

Take a pretty simple thing like like a microwave oven, and then try to go back to life without one. let alone life before google.
Jim said…

- "oh, I have just thought of some random thing I would like too know more about right now"

- "well, the library opens at 9 in the morning, and if they don't have something in Whitehaven, maybe Carlisle will and they can order it in for you, or you could check the bookshops tomorrow"

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