Quote of the Day 17th June 2015

The above words were said by Wellington at the Duchess of Richmond's Ball on the eve of the battle of Quatre Bras, itself two days before the battle of Waterloo, when he discovered that Napoleon's army had moved.

Fortunately due to the heroism of the British, Dutch, and Hanoverian troops who held off greatly superior French forces at the Quatre Bras crossroads, the Allies won back that time.

Otherwise there might have been no victory at Waterloo.

I would have posted these words on Monday, 200 years after they were first spoken, except that that was also the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta, and I already had three quotes for that day relating to the great charter!

So I'm taking Wellington's words from the eve of the warmup battle and quoting them on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the main battle of Waterloo itself, which was 200 years ago tomorrow.


Jim said…
I often think when i watch the recreations of these battles, even the fantastic Sharpe films, what an era it was.

Think about it, in a modern day battle, soldiers go to the ultimate degree in camouflage, ensuring the enemy never know where you are is the top priority for survival.

For Wellington though things were different, Lets wear bright red tunics, wave giant Colours, and just to be extra certain the front row don't even get a rifle, they get a drum to bang on instead!
Jim said…
Mind you Wellington did have one advantage, one very big advantage, Wellington did not have UKIP on "his side".

Dont get me wrong, Kippers are very welcome to the NO campaign as people, just not as Kippers. There is nothing so frustrating as knowing you can rip the enemy to shreds, but you cant get there for the "friendly fire". if ever there was a time for UKIP to forget party and put nation first its now, will it happen.......well i can hope.
Jim said…
One other thing i did note on the "Battle of Purdah", it seems to have been deferred until autumn. Oh, ok.

The only thing that really came from the debate on the bill is that the government committed to not holding the referendum in may 16

Yes thats right, the government committed to something everyone with any sense knew the government never had any intention of doing.

well that was a debate well spent then.....

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