Yesterday was supposed to be the day I swam 5,000 metres to raise money for cancer care as part of Swimathon 2020.
The organisers have pencilled in a new date for Swimathon 2020, and have written to me as follows:
We are pleased to announce that we now plan to stage Swimathon 2020 on 16-18 October 2020! As we all mark these new dates in our diary and start to think about a more autumnal swimming vibe, there are a number of things that we would ask you please to take into consideration.
Booking Swimathon Sessions
It is an extremely difficult time for swimming pools nationwide, with pools unable to operate and their operators and staff unable to provide swimming services and facilities. Swimathon pools, operators and their staff across the UK have our full support and now is not the time for us to be trying to book in rescheduled dates and times for Swimathon sessions on 16-18 October.
They have added, quote "We will release the new session details as and when it is appropriate and possible to do so. Please note that this is unlikely to happen for a few months."
I think Michael Gove was right to say this weekend that none of us can be certain what the timescale is for the progression and defeat of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I would like to think the timescale will be such that 16-18 October will be a viable date for Swimathon 2020 and have put the date in my diary. Whenever the event does take place I will take part.
But I'm not betting my shirt on the pandemic being sufficiently out of the way by mid-October to allow events like this to take place.