Working together to cut waiting lists
Waiting lists are a problem for the NHS in all parts of the UK: it has been an issue for a years but became dramatically worse during and as a result of the pandemic, and it is a huge challenge which must be addressed. As Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said,
"We all have a shared mission to cut waiting lists."
It is important that we all work together to help patients and staff by cutting waiting lists everywhere in the UK, and therefore the UK government has invited the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales to talks on how to do this, and has offered the Labour-run Welsh Government more support to tackle NHS waiting lists, helping the devolved administrations to improve care for patients.
- Keir Starmer boasts that Labour-run Wales is a ‘blueprint’ for a Labour Government but patients in Wales are twice as likely to be on a waiting list than those in England, and over 30,000 people in Wales are still waiting over two years for treatment.
- To help address this, the UK government has invited the Labour-run Welsh Government and SNP Scottish Government to talks to about how all parts of the UK can work together to tackle long-term waiting lists as well as exploring greater opportunities for Welsh patients to access healthcare in England as we cut waiting lists.
- We all pay into the NHS so it is not fair that patients living in Labour and SNP controlled areas get worse care, we are putting patients before politics as we work to cut waiting lists across the UK.