Labour and the Trade Bill

It's pretty ironic that in the week we finally had publication of the long-awaited report of the Intelligence Committee on Russian interference in UK politics

- a report with lessons to learn for the security services and for people on all sides of politics, left and right, pro and anti Brexit, pro and anti Scottish Independence -

the Labour party seems to have outsourced their policy on British trade to Vladimir Putin, repeating the Russian propaganda they regurgitated during the last election.

Following votes on the Trade Bill, Labour have been spreading disinformation about our precious NHS.

The Trade Bill only deals with continuity trade agreements carrying over from those already in place as an EU member, purely to ensure trade continues as before – it has nothing to do with future Free Trade Agreements.

It will continue to be for UK Government to decide how to deliver health services, and their priority will remain how best to serve the interests of patients. The NHS will never be on the table in any trade deal under this Government, and that includes the price we pay for drugs.

Labour lumbered the NHS with hundreds of billions of pounds worth of private finance deals, diverting money away from the front line and to middle managers and spin, meaning worse care for patients. They cannot be trusted.


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